informationGuest room & On site facilityOwase business hotel

Have fruitful moments with memorable holidays in Owase

For your comfortable stay in our hotel, the washing machine is set as well as microwave oven, refrigerator, and television in communal space.
The large parking lot is prepared for the group of people’s necessities.


The sightseeing information of Owase is prepared other than check in and check out.
We introduce the attractions of Owase such as fancy restaurants and seasonal sightseeing events. Please feel free to ask any question.

Room directory

Owase business hotel has western style room, Japanese style room, and large room upon the customers’ requests.
The internet is always available in all rooms for free of charge.
Each room has microwave oven, refrigerator, and air conditioner other than television.

Check in & check out of the each guest room

Check in::16~22
Check in::16~22


Please do it when you check in.
Cash or credit card is available.to use.

Other facilities

Washing machines
Multiple washing machines are set in the communal space in 3F.
Please use them for free.
Multi-purpose room
The multi-purpose rooms which are convenient for business, camping and meeting. are also available.
Parking lot
It is inside the hotel area. Please go from the path beside hotel entrance.